A brief look at ‘the brief’

We use them in all our work. Our clients use them too. But often, briefs can be incomplete, people can overlook their benefits, and they can be side-lined because of time. To that we say, ‘no more! Viva la brief!’ The benefits of briefs A well-crafted brief can be like an extra team member. It […]

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PR copywriting tips

Your PR agency is only as good as the content it writes. If you can’t get the right messages across in the right way, you might as well not invest in PR at all. Editors don’t publish badly written articles and press releases. And even if they did, your audience wouldn’t have the patience to […]

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Eating the ‘blog frog’

Blogs are an important tool for businesses, driving traffic to websites, improving SEO and a platform to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. But writing effective blogs takes planning, time and inspiration and it’s all too easy to procrastinate, pushing blogs to the bottom of your to do list. Eating ‘the blog frog’ can become an […]

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Transform your copy

By eliminating three simple word endings… What makes good copy? Concise – use as few words as possible. And make them simple, not complex words. Two syllables are better than three. Short sentences and paragraphs where possible. Plain English please. Can you delete redundant words? Cohesive – the writing flows, the sentences are connected. Every […]

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